Kings And Legends Gameplay

Stay Close to Your Squad


Two new Apex Legends trailers showcase what is in store for Season 2 of Respawn's battle royale game, including gameplay of the new Legend Wattson, Leviathans and Titanfall's Flyers in Kings Canyon, as well as an EMP attack on Repulsor. The first trailer is focused on the story behind Season 2, and includes Bangalore, Mirage. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.


Squadplay is critical to success in Apex Legends, where you jump into the arena with two teammates at your side. Working together, you can keep each other safe and outplay your opponents by combining your abilities. A well-placed Dimensional Rift by Wraith, for example, can put her team right on top of unsuspecting opponents, while Caustic can protect teammates by using Nox gas to drive away enemies.

Try to strike out on your own, and you'll be up against other teams who can easily overwhelm you. Stick close to your squad, and you’ll have a greater chance at success.

Use Smart Comms to Keep in Touch with Your Teammates

Crime scene clean up salary. You can give your teammates critical information – and vice versa – through an in-game system that lets you ping useful items and locations on their screens.

You can pinpoint the position of gear pieces (and what they are), highlight threats, and tell your teammates which direction you’re going before you’ve even plugged in a microphone. Use this to your advantage to make sure your teammates see what you see and always have the latest intel.