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(făn-tăz′mə-gôr′ē-ə) also phan·tas·ma·go·ry(făn-tăz′mə-gôr′ē)·tas·ma·go·ri·as also phan·tas·ma·go·ries1.
a. A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever.
b. A constantly changing scene composed of numerous elements.
[Alteration of obsolete French phantasmagorie, art of creating supernatural illusions : perhaps fantasme, illusion (from Old French; see phantasm) + allégorie, allegory, allegorical visual representation (from Old French, allegory, from Latin allēgoria; see allegory).]
phan·tas′ma·gor′i·cal·ly adv.


Phantasmagoria (ˌfæntæzməˈɡɔːrɪə) or


1. psychol a shifting medley of real or imagined figures, as in a dream
2. (Film) films a sequence of pictures made to vary in size rapidly while remaining in focus
3. rare a shifting scene composed of different elements
[C19: probably from French fantasmagorie production of phantasms, from phantasm + -agorie, perhaps from Greek ageirein to gather together]
phantasmagoric, ˌphantasmaˈgorical, ˌphantasmaˈgorialadj


(fænˌtæz məˈgɔr i ə, -ˈgoʊr-)
n., pl. -ri•as.
1. a shifting series of phantasms, illusions, or deceptive appearances, as in a dream.
3. an optical illusion produced by a magic lantern or the like in which figures increase or diminish in size, pass into each other, dissolve, etc.
[1795–1805; < French fantasmagorie, compound based on fantasmephantasm; second element perhaps representing Greek agorá assembly, gathering; see -ia]
phan•tas`ma•gor′ic (-ˈgɔr ɪk, -ˈgɒr-) phan•tas`ma•gor′i•cal,adj.


a type of magic-lantern show in which rapidly moving images blend, change size, etc.; hence, any series of images that move and change rapidly, as a dream. — phantasmagorial, phantasmagoric, adj.
See also: Dreams
a type of magic-lantern show in which rapidly moving images blend, change size, etc.; hence, any series of images that move and change rapidly, as a dream. — phantasmagorial, phantasmagoric, adj.
See also: Images
a type of magiclantern show in which rapidly moving images blend, change size, etc.; hence, any series of images that move and change rapidly, as a dream. — phantasmagorial, phantasmagoric, adj.
See also: Representation


a series of phantoms or imagined figures.
Examples: phantasmagoria of contending angels, 1875; of terrible bright colours, 1880; of feathers, spangles, etc., 1822; of figures of ghosts and phantoms; of more prodigal and wild imaginations, 1880; of the sky, 1853.
Noun1.phantasmagoria - a constantly changing medley of real or imagined images (as in a dream)
internal representation, mental representation, representation - a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image


nounAn illusion of perceiving something that does not really exist:
Slang: trip.


[ˌfæntæzməˈgɔːrɪə]NPhantasmagoria scenefantasmagoríaf


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