Underworld Empire Boss Thresholds

Contents.Updated with 5.0.1: Wampa, K1-Z3NUpdated with 5.0: Arcann, Shae Vizla, Mawvorr, TY-4N, Exoboar, Master RanosUpdated with 4.7.1: Z0-0M, Rusk, SkadgeUpdated with 4.7: Bogstalker, ISO-5R, GussUpdated with 4.5: Broonmark, Bowdaar, Torian, Vette, Gault, Ginx, Annihilator T4-1DUpdate with 4.3: Ak’ghal Usar, K’lor’slug Soldier, Q0-77 have being added.Update with 4.1: Kaliyo, Blizz and Personal Warbot have been added. Note that Kaliyo as an agent companion as different gift preferences compared to Kaliyo as an alliance companionUpdate with 4.0.3: Artwork gifts are now called Delicacies and Consumable gifts are now called Maintenance.Update with Patch 4.0.2: This patch changed the way some companiions react to gifts. They now all have at least one gift type they love (max affection). How Influence Works.

ELT Shadows of the Empire: a guide for the rest of us. I can't tell if this is triggered by thresholds or time. The fight is so easy and casual, I wasn't really watching for those things. Just curaja once and its fine. (I only broke the boss's defence once, then stopped when I saw it was dispelled on the next turn). Threshold Climbing, Fitness + Yoga is a world-class indoor climbing facility. Our passion is Climbing! And we are dedicated to providing our community with the education and experience of one of the world’s fastest growing and most rewarding sports!

With Fallen Empire, affection has being changed to influence. Instead of a max of 10,000 affection with your companions, you now have a max influence rank of 50 which requires a total of 250k influence. Companion gifts still work on raising the influence of your companions. Previously companion gifts only goes up to rank 5 and artifact rank but now rank 6 gifts and Legendary rank gifts are available.

In addition, two new kinds of companions gifts are available: Delicacies and Maintenance. You can regain access to these companions after you finish Chapter 8 of Knights of the Fallen Empire by interacting with a terminal inside your alliance base in Odessen (same location as the mission datapads in that little room left of the base).Empire (Artwork = Delicacies, Consumable = Maintenance)Note: Kaliyo and Torian has difference gift preference as an agent/bounty hunter companion vs KoTFE alliance companion. Use the Main Characters section below for gift preferences if you have them as an alliance companion. This chart shows the gift preferences as the classic companions.Republic (Artwork = Delicacies, Consumable = Maintenance)Main Characters. Then it’s a good thing I don’t have any nerd cards! 😛The new story is awesome, the new companion system is amazing (even though I was skeptical in the beginning), the crafting changes make the game a lot more fun than grinding, and I also approve what happened with the Flashpoints and the Operations, and finally, LEGACY DATACRONS, so I am not going to complain about companion influence, which I can just get slowly over the course of the next yearOn the other hand I will complain about Level Sync (nope, don’t care at all about the “benefits” of it) and about the whole Mastery stat. I preferred it when each class had their own gear.

It means you can use the one you like and that their isn’t just one HK droid that is the best to run with. Also, in a party of 4 there are 0 companions, so — they are made to fill the role of missing players, so with that in mind — it makes sense you can switch them to what ever role you’re group actually needs rather than be pigeon holed by the ones you’ve unlocked.The only real issue with them that I see, is that they are significantly too strong and are trivializing the game right now, the buff to their healing is insane. It’s hard to die right now even just face tanking as a damage sentinel solo heroic content. It’s not like you can complete the content it’ll take you so long to kill one enemy, that before you kill the second, the first one respawns, we’re talking like 15 minutes a mob, but still — you can’t die?.

Companion Inherent Tradeskill Bonuses Removed,We are changing the way that Presence works such that each point provides percentage based bonuses, instead of flat numerical bonuses. This more or less translates into two things:Sadly, the Companions of low level characters with massive Presence bonuses from their legacies will no longer be hilariously overpowered (I promise we’re just as sad to see this go as you are, it provided some good times).Presence will scale much better at higher levels.Each influence rank give the following bonuses.+50 Presence+1.5% time efficiency for crew skill tasks+0.5% critical rate for crew skill tasks. HK-51 still has unique moves (51 specifically, 55 is not unique), although he’s missing the one that people wanted to see him keep. Treek still has her own unique moves, although they’re divided up so she can no longer tank and heal at the same time. All other companions are a mass of generic mediocrity though. Lokin still has transformation, but aside from that there are a handful of movesets based on what type of weapons they’re allowed to equip (with blaster rifles and sniper rifles being treated as equal / interchangeable for whatever reason) and everybody who uses the same weapon class uses the exact same moves as each other so they all feel really samey.

There isn’t really anything to set them apart from each other. The old moves that they had, the fighting styles which were unique to them before, are completely tossed out the window now. Compared to the old crafting/mission skill bonus, for example Corso Riggs(500 arms tech,10k affection, 3% legacy perk, making an orange grade weapon), it was a total of 10+5+5+3=23% critical chance.Without inborn crafting bonus in this patch, it requires a influence level of 20 in order to achieve similar critical result which is not that hard to farm. If the influence level becomes 50, a total of 10+25+3=37% critical chance is expected.So basically if you have to farm 6 times more of a level 20 to get an extra 14% critical result. Worth it or not?. You’re either blind or just assuming, seeing as there are several new companions. If you cry about the limited roles like it was in “old days” then that’s just silly.

Everyone was using the same companion back then because they had no choice. Now people can use the companion they like and are not stopped dead in tracks because companion didn’t know how to tank/heal/dps.

And several new companions – even cross-class ones are, sort of, if your current char never had that one before – will only enhance it. Old system was totally pointless since everyone pretty much ended using the same companion, simply because they needed a specific role (usual healer) and only 1 companion provided it. So rest of the companions were totally useless. THAT was a not unique system.

With the new system people can finally use the companion they want and like and not be forced to use a specific companion. That’s unique (sort of)! You won’t see EVERYONE run around with Treek or HK now, now you can see a variety of companions.

Companion “uniqueness” doesn’t come from their abilities, it comes from the companion choices, likes and dislikes and from the relationship with your char (friendly or more). Cheapest way but time consuming 200 credit rank 1 that you companion loves and if you have Altruism III.19 x stacks of 99 and 1 stack of 80.that’s 1,971 x 200 credit gifts for total of 394,200 CreditsWill get you from Rank 1 to rank 30.Approximate amount of time 2 Hours 15 Minutes.Realistic way to do this if you have a game mouse, pad or keyboard.Program it to activate you hotbar keybind with your gift in it. Set it for 4 second or 4000 MilliSecond Continuous repeat cycle.Go to sleep do your homework watch a movie or what ever.You could do this from 30 to 40 but just from 30 to 40 not so feasible as each gist would only get you 17 influence a piece would cost you an extra 600k and a hell of a lot of time. It doesn’t matter if they like what you say.

Underworld empire boss thresholds 2016

No points to influence are ever taken away, only gained – even from choices they don’t like. Influence isn’t affection, you need to stop looking at it that way. Your companions now remember your choices, and that will come into play later in conversations, but has no bearing at all on influence gain. You could have a companion absolutely loathe you now, but still have max influence with them. Bioware reworked influence to be a reflection of how much you have impacted a particular companion, good or bad.

So there is no need to escape out of conversations to try to get the ‘right’ choice now – because there is no right or wrong choice for your companion, only right or wrong according to your particular character’s roleplay/personality. The CC options should not affect the based numbers you need per level. It should only affect the amount of influence you gain towards that level. I have ALT3 on all my main toons and none on the rest. Using my example on a ALT3 and ALT0 at lvl 15 you need 3100 influence to move to 16 on either toon despite the level of Altruism.

Thats what i was trying to say. So in the case of the Google Doc, the calculation are based of the base you need, if the base is wrong, the calculation for totals needed will be wrong before adding ALT1,2,3 bonus.

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Dulfy,I found that if people want to keep Darth Marr as a companion (.CAN’T PROGRESS IN KOTFE STORY IF YOU WANT MARR AS A COMPANION), it seems that he prefers the following as it pertains to gifts:Favorite: TrophyLove: Military Gear/WeaponNothing else seems to catch his fancy.Please note that if you choose to keep Marr and shower him with gifts, you do so at your own risk (ie possible loss of invested money/time if something were to change and he can’t be retained). I personally have been able to keep him since KOTFE launch on several toons, but who knows what future patches might bring. I would hope that they do this after the conclusion of the storyline.Currently, they reserve the option to change main storyline companion looks only for themselves, which might be somewhat important (e.g., when they have to re-dress a companion, they would have to return the current clothing to you, or there might be difficulties in rendering something like a wound on a generic piece of clothing etc).Besides, my inquisitor wears gray robes himself, so I’m quite happy with Lana’s clothing tastes 😉.

Why would you want to tremendously increase the influence level anyway?It is extremely cheap to get any given companion to level 10 (the old maximum) by buying 99 green level 1 gifts (= 19800 Credits). Such a companion will be sufficient for everything except soloing Star Fortresses.In any case, if you really want to max out one companion, your safest bet would be HK51, Treek, or Niko Ocarr. They cannot deeply integrate these into any storyline, because it cannot be assumed that a player has them (plus, killing them would really outrage those who have unlocked them).If you feel like you want to max out another, potentially killable companion, you will just have to take the risk. I mean, e.g., if you love Lana, you shouldn’t wait to shower her with gifts. This way you will have the benefits of high influence (whatever these are) at least until she should die, instead of not at all.If you do not want to take any risks, you will have to wait until you have complete, certain information – this is basically a truth for any kind of investment. Hey Dulfy,Might want to add this in case nobody else has.

I romanced Lana Beniko on my Agent, got the confirmation that I would be starting it, etc. Well, I thought that after I started a romance – I could use Courting gifts since if you romance Theron, he can take Courting gifts and previous companions can as well. Well, Lana doesn’t take them so it might good to put on this list that while you can romance certain new companions – they might not take courting gifts. An asterisk/footnote would work. I am having a hard time finding out about this, can someone romance Lana in KotFE even if Lana dislikes most of the things they say as long as they have high influence with her? I think that is so but I’m having a hard time finding anything that talks about KotFE specific romances. My husband was romancing her in SoR and we are just starting KotFE but I started getting nervous after reading somewhere that conversation choices have an impact in KotFE.

I just don’t want him to miss out on romancing Lana since he chose not to romance Kira with this character. As long as you pick most/all of Flirt dialog choice when they are available you can romance Lana or Koth. Influence and other dialog choice without flirt Have no effect on romance.Which also means, you don’t have to worry about saying things she dislike as long as there are no Flirt choice to pick.One.IMPORTANT.thing, theFlirt option in chapter 9 can be misleading as the camera focus on Theron but the choice refer to your love interest. Many people misunderstood this and didn’t pick flirt. That would be my bet because there were QUITE a few complaints about it over on the SWTOR forums back when I first started playing back in the day. In fact, that’s how I found out about the weird reversal on names.I do remember a few of the old charts having it the “logical” way instead of the official one back in those days which meant I had to grab a couple of “test presents” before starting to buy my companion up in order to check whatever chart I had to be SURE that they had it correctly. So, my bet is that some folks are still working under that order instead of the official one even now.Oh well, at least Rank 1 Greens are still only 200 from the vendors so, it’s still easy enough to check before you go to buy whatever it is in bulk.

I’m wondering if the CS companions gain influence differently?I just got the CS Companion Probe Droid. I have the full character perk and I’m buying the Rank 6 artifact Maintenance Gifts “Armor Maintenance” straight out of the GTN. I didn’t start paying attention to how much influence was being reward until I got the droid to rank seven.So, at rank 7 the ‘Rank 6 Maintenance Gifts (artifact)’ are rewarding 1065 influence and continued to reward this amount through rank 11.Is this working correctly?Thank you!. I’ve discovered that the influence CAN in fact have an impact on the story.Example: as you know, at the end of chapter 8 you get rescued/joined by either Koth or Lana. Epic mickey oswald. I found no evident logic behind how the game chooses between the two, but I know that if you keep getting Koth, raising influence with Lana (and restarting the chapter, cause you can’t jump back in at the ‘talk to Arcann’ step) will always lead to Lana catching up with you instead of Koth. And will also lead to the Outlander and Lana kissing at the beginning of the chapter, is that wasn’t happening upon the Flirt option after Heskal’s call.

The numbers in the calculation spreadsheet are not exact when a legacy bonus applies. This is because it doesn’t round the calculated number of points per gift to a whole number.For instance, with a 30% legacy bonus, you need 4118 green rank 1 gifts to get from level 30 to 40. But the spreadsheet says you need 4143.Let me explain:—————————————————————————-EXAMPLE 1 (spreadsheet too high):—————————————————————————-In the 30-40 range (70,000 points), green rank 1 gifts are worth 13 points. With the 30% legacy bonus, they are worth 16.9 points, which is rounded up to 17 when you give the gift to your companion.The number of gifts needed with the bonus is 70,000 / 17 = 4117.6 (or 4118 rounded up)The spreadsheet, however, divides by 16.9, not 17.

So you get 70,000 / 16.9 = 4142.01 (or 4143 rounded up). This is the number given by the spreadsheet.As you can see, you need 4118 gifts but the spreadsheet specifies 4143, which is too many.—————————————————————————-EXAMPLE 2 (spreadsheet too low):—————————————————————————-In the 20-30 range (50,000 points), green rank 1 gifts are worth 26 points.

With the 30% legacy bonus, they are worth 33.8 points which (for technical reasons I won’t get into right now) is rounded down to 33 when you give the gift to your companion.The number of gifts needed is 50,000 / 33 = 1515.15 (or 1516 rounded up).The spreadsheet, however, divides by 33.8, not 33. So you get 50,000 / 33.8 = 1479.29 (or 1480 rounded up). This is the number given by the spreadsheet.As you can see, you need 1516 gifts but the spreadsheet specifies 1480.—————————————————————————-Technical explanation as to why 33.8 becomes 33Feel free to skip this section—————————————————————————-The base value for a green rank 1 companion gift at influence level 1 is 128.At level 6, the value becomes 128. 0.8 = 102.4, which is rounded to 102.At level 10, the value is 128. 0.6 = 76.8; at level 15 the value is 128. 0.4 = 51.2; at level 20 the value is 128.

0.2 = 25.6; and at level 30 the value is 128. 0.1 = 12.8. All of these are rounded before being applied to your companion.The legacy boost, however, is applied to the non-rounded value. So if I have a 30% legacy boost, the gift value for the 20-30 range becomes 128.

0.2. 1.3 = 33.28, which is rounded to 33.The spreadsheet is using integer values for the various ranks, thus it gets 33.8 instead of 33.28. And that is why 33.8 becomes 33.Finally, the spreadsheet can be modified to take all this into account. It just adds some complexity. What are the goals with leveling companions? It seems more like a collection minigame than something of real value in-game.

If I’ve maxed out my crafting skills, there’s no real benefit there. I can’t tell if there’s much utility to having a lvl 50 companion in PvE, but maybe that. While leveling crafting skills I can see the benefit of having 10 companions at level 50 because of the time and crit rate increase for mission runs. If actively working to craft things, then having 10 at 50 will again be of benefit. But it seems that unlocking companions has a fair degree of work involved, but what’s the point? It seems that after unlocking and maxing out 10 companions, there’s no point to doing companion missions or unlocking after that.