Warhawk Football

“Inside Warhawk Football”Instrumental music playing SAMI:Hey everyone and welcome to thisweek’s edition of “InsideWarhawk Football”. I’m your host, Sami Huggins,and alongside me is head football coach, Kevin Bullis.Coach, thank you for being herewith me today.

KEVIN:It’s great having you here Sam. SAMI:The Warhawks continue to beundefeated in their season, and in the WIAC as they came awaywith a 38 to 0 win againstUW-Stevens Point. What do you think the Warhawks did to keepthe momentum in their favor? KEVIN:Starting off that game, JacobErbs stripped the ball from their quarterback in the firstdrive, scored a touchdown, which was really a fantastic play.Going up there, anytime you go some place else and play in ourleague, it’s a toughenvironment. It’s going to be a toughenvironment and grabbing the momentum immediately was vital.We had our ups and downs in that first, really that first half.We threw three interceptions in that first half. We managedthose scenarios, and we managed them by our defense not givingup any points.

Warhawk Football

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So, it was really keeping the momentum, grabbingit initially and then when there was opportunities to lose themomentum, our defense did not let them capitalize. Thatreally set the pace for thesecond half. SAMI:So, the Warhawks are now goingon their second to last roadgame, facing UW-River Falls. So far,the Warhawks have had 20 or more points each away game. DespiteRiver Falls record, how do you keep the Warhawks, and even thecoaching staff, from being complacent coming into thisgame?

KEVIN:You asked the perfect question,because that is exactly what we talked about last night in ourteam meeting. Scores are deceiving. They are not a goodevaluator and so many times as fans, and I know people kindof get puzzled when I say that, because it’s not about winningthe game. We look at it this way, it’s all about gettingdetailed and quantifying the particular aspects that arepriorities for us as a team.

Warhawk football radio

38 to 0 can make you thinkwe played perfect, no we didn’t. If anything, we felt we took astep backwards in two of our plays, in really three areasthat we call our five priorities. We took a stepbackwards. That’s how we stop the complacency. Is one, beingvery objective with how we analyze and break down that gamefilm, and being able to quantify it and say, “hey we didn’tdo this well.” Because again, the reason the score can bedeceiving is because the opponent has so much to sayabout what a score is. That’s not a criticism of StevensPoint, it’s our standard.

It’s our expectation of what weexpect from ourselves. Despicable bear cheats. This time of the year there is anopportunity for that in that mid-season doldrum potentials.I mean, coaches talk about that there can be a mid seasondoldrum. Being aware of it is the key piece, and our team isaware of it. I feel very good about getting ready for today’spractice in preparation forRiver Falls. SAMI:Well thank you for being heretoday coach, and I look forwardto seeing you next week. KEVIN:We’ll see you then Sam.

SAMI:That was this week’s edition of“Inside Warhawk Football” onUWW-TV. “Inside Warhawk Football”Instrumental music playing.