Push And Pop In Stack
. Twilight struggle amazon. Stack Menu. 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display 4.Exit. Enter your choice(1-4):2. Stack is empty!! Comment below if you have doubts or found anything incorrect in above program for stack in C. You May Also Like: Evaluation of Postfix Expression in C Algorithm and Program Stack in C Using Linked List.
STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Stack is empty.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 10Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 20Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 30Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 3Stack size: 3-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 30-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1.
Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 20-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 10-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Stack is empty.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1.
Exit-Enter your choice: 4Exiting from app.Happy coding 😉report this ad.
STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Stack is empty.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 10Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 20Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 1Enter data to push into stack: 30Data pushed to stack.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 3Stack size: 3-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1.
Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 30-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 20-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Data = 10-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Syougi no tatsujin. Exit-Enter your choice: 2Stack is empty.-STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM-1. Exit-Enter your choice: 4Exiting from app.Happy coding 😉report this ad.