Pyrenees Mountains
2020-4-2 The Pyrenees Mountains, located in southwest Europe, form a natural border between France and Spain.The mountain range stretches 450km between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is an unexplored and wild area which features high peaks, often exceeding 3000m above sea-level.
Aneto Peak, Pyrenees Aneto Peak in the Pyrenees. AvhThe Pyrenees long have been a land barrier between Spain and Portugal on the and the rest of Europe; as a consequence, these two countries traditionally have developed stronger associations with Africa than with the rest of Europe, and they have become tied to the sea. From Carlit Peak (9,584 feet) near the eastern limit of the Pyrenees to the peaks of Orhy and, a succession of mountains rise nearly 9,800 feet; at only a few places, all well to the west, can the chain be crossed through passes lower than 6,500 feet. In both the lower eastern and northwestern sectors, rivers dissect the landscape into numerous small basins. The range is flanked on both sides by broad depressions—the Aquitaine and Languedoc to the north and the Ebro to the south—both receiving waters from the major rivers flowing out of the mountains, the Garonne of France and the major tributaries of the Ebro of Spain. Physical features GeologyThe Pyrenees represent the geologic renewal of an old mountain chain rather than the more recent and vigorous mountain-building process that characterizes the. The Variscan (or Hercynian) orogeny, a mountain-building event that lasted from the late to the early (a span of time extending from 370 million to 290 million years ago), generated the folded region that is now occupied by the present-day Pyrenees ( see ).
The remnants of the Variscan orogeny include the in France and the in Spain. Although these other massifs have had a comparatively quiet history of, or, since their emergence, the Pyrenean block was submerged in a relatively unstable area of Earth’s crust that became active about 225 million years ago. The earliest formations, which were sediments severely folded over a granitic base, were submerged and covered by secondary sediments. They later were lifted once again into two parallel chains running to the north and south of the original Hercynian massif. These became the two zones of pre-Pyrenean ridges—of which the Spanish is the more fully developed—that are now great spurs of the main chain of the Pyrenees.
This most-recent period of was caused by the collision of the Iberian and European tectonic plates that began during the second half of the (100.5 million to 66 million years ago); however, the majority of the mountain building associated with this collision occurred during the and epochs (56 million to 23 million years ago). Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.Under the forces of folding, the more recent and comparatively more plastic layers folded without breaking, but the original rigid base fractured and became dislocated. In the vicinity of the breaks, hot springs appeared and some metal-containing deposits formed. This upheaval affected chiefly the central and eastern regions. During this era, continued incessantly, and, in the most exposed of the raised areas, weathering wore away the softer terrain and uncovered the old Hercynian sedimentary formations, occasionally reaching the deeper granitic. Pyrenees Central Pyrenees. Nathan Hamblen DrainageThe hydrographic system consists basically of series of parallel that descend from the high peaks and from the passes.
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They are bordered by high, dividing ridges in a north–south direction, perpendicular to the axis of the chain. This type of valley produces short, torrential rivers that drop precipitously over short stretches; only seldom do these rivers flow, like the, through valleys that, as in the Alps, have both gentle slope and greater length. Their flow, extremely variable, especially on the southern side, is heavily influenced by the, as well as by the relief. Different maximum low waters occur in and winter; the spring, with maximum and melting, usually sees the greatest flows. In the Western Pyrenees and the northern zone, the rainfall pattern helps produce greater regularity; hence, flow is only slightly lower in summer. On the south a few torrential rivers are fed principally by melting snows, a few largely by rain, but most from a combination of sources. Heavy rains occasionally cause severe flooding in the region.The river patterns and flow have been important since antiquity in human use of both the land and the rivers—from the floating of timber rafts downstream, which can be done only in the spring, to harnessing waterpower for industry and irrigation on the southern side by means of dams.
The torrential flow of many of the rivers is the cause both of the purity of the Pyrenean waters and of their excellence and richness as fishing streams.The present Pyrenean, perhaps more frequent on the northern than on the southern slopes, have been reduced to high basins— or hanging valleys—at elevations over 9,800 feet. During and after the great (i.e., within the past 2.5 million years), however, especially in the Central and much of the Eastern Pyrenees, glaciers left widespread erosion and various important sediments. The present-day lower lakes and meadows with their winding rivulets are among their marks. Tongues were also the main causes of the deep valleys containing the river system.The fractured areas have many, both sulfurous and saline. The former are found throughout the axial massif, while the latter occur at the edges. These springs were popular in Roman times and reorganized and modernized toward the end of the 19th century.
There are more than 20 famous spas on the French side; those in Spain are as numerous but are less fully exploited.