Turmoil Synonym

‘He would lie awake, his mind in turmoil, too active with the words of the professor.’ ‘As a result of these factors there is a strong possibility of some kind of financial turmoil over the coming years.’ ‘Far from bringing relief from emotional turmoil, success only made it worse.’.

How to use turmoil in a sentence?

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  1. Aretha Franklin:

    What made her talent so great was her capacity to live what she sang, her music was deepened by her connection to the struggles and the triumphs of the African American experience growing up in her father's church, the community of Detroit, and her awareness of the turmoil of the South.

  2. Markus Huber:

    (ECB chief) Mario Draghi will probably hint, if not say, that if markets continue being in turmoil there will be more QE (bond-buying).

  3. Donald Trump: Perfect dark weapons cache.

    He's a show boat, he's a grand stander, the FBI has been in turmoil. You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that.

  4. Bernie Sanders:

    Gaddafi, terrible dictator, gotten rid of, right now, ISIS is gaining ground in Libya because of all of the destabilization in the region and all of the turmoil.

  5. Shonda Rhimes:

    But after Season 10, we had some big shifts in front of the camera, behind the camera, it became my goal to have an experience there that I could be happy and proud about, because we had so much turmoil for 10 years.